Workflow Post Function

Workflow Post Function

(Project Charter) Copy Project Property

The “(Project Charter) Copy Project Property” post function allows you to copy the project properties defined in the “Project Charter” app to custom fields.

You need to select either a project or “Current Project” to determine which project’s property should be copied to the field. If you select the “Current Project”, the selected property of the project of the issue being transitioned will be copied to the field.

The type of the selected custom field needs to be compatible with the selected property.

  • Text-typed properties can be copied to the fields which are in text type.

  • Number-typed properties can be copied to the fields which are in number type.

  • Date-typed properties can be copied to the fields which are in text, date or datetime type.

  • Properties which are “Single Select” can be copied to the fields which are either a text or a select list single choice (Jira) field.

  • Properties which are “User Single Select” can be copied to the fields which are either a text or a user picker single user (Jira) field.

  • Properties which are “Multi Select” can be copied to the fields which are either a text or a select list multiple choices (Jira) field.

  • Properties which are “User Multi Select” can be copied to the fields which are either a text or a user picker multiple users (Jira) field.