Usage of Settings

Usage of Settings

When you open the Organizational Chart app, you will see the settings button at the top right corner of the screen. Clicking on the Settings button will take you to the features inside.


As you can see on the screen, there are features that you can edit on the user(s). Now, we will examine what these features are and how to use them one by one.

1. Show Avatar Images

The 'Show Avatar Images' option comes activated when you install the application. This feature allows you to toggle the images on and off, which are located on the left side of the user(s) in your hierarchy. You can also customize these avatars however you like by creating an account on http://gravatar.com .




2. Hide Full Hierarchy

'Hide Full Hierarchy' option is related to permissions. If you do not want user(s) to see the Full Hierarchy, you can activate this option. You can access the permission documentation from the link provided here.


3. Hide Property Names

The 'Hide Property Names' option allows you to display only the values of the properties you have added to the user(s), without showing the names of the properties on top of the user(s).



4. Properties to Display

The 'Properties to Display' option allows you to select which properties you want to display on top of users from the properties you have added. You can display up to 2 properties on the user cards, but you can add as many properties as you want for each user.


5. Manage Properties

The 'Manage Properties' option displays the property area that you can add or remove for users. You can add new properties by clicking the '+' button, or delete your existing properties by clicking the delete button next to them.


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