Adding User/Groups

Adding User/Groups


Adding First Member

1. Please click on 'Apps' from the navigation bar at the top and click on the 'Organizational Chart' app located under the 'YOUR APPS' section below it.

2. If there are no users in the application, you will see the page below. If you have a backup file, you can continue by clicking the 'Upload a Backup File' button. In this space, we will continue by clicking on the 'Add User/Groups' button.

3. On the next screen, you can directly add users from your Jira or external users.

4. After adding the user, they will appear on the screen. On the top left corner of the application, there are buttons from left to right: ‘Full Hierarchy', ‘My Hierarchy', ‘Download’, ‘Upload’, 'Zoom in’, and 'Zoom out’. On the top right corner, there are application settings and buttons to provide feedback.

Adding Other Members

1. As you can see below, if you click on the users you added, you will see three features next to them. These are the buttons for adding a new user, deleting the user, and viewing the user information.

2. Click on the 'Add User' button and specify the new user(s) you want to add either from Jira, a group or externally.


Now, let's take a look at the other options for adding and what they do.


Add by Group

The 'Add by Group' option allows you to add users who are part of the groups in your Jira. The users that are included on selected group would get pulled from Jira and added to chart.

Add Parent

The 'Add Parent' option allows you to add a higher level user to the user you have selected. This way, you can add people who were not originally included in your chart. Remember, you can only do this for users who are already in your Jira.


Change Parent

The 'Change Parent' option allows you to easily move the selected user under a different user without having to delete and add them again, and without having to fill out all their properties again.


Add as a New Level

The 'Add as a New Level' option presents the user you add as a new child, but makes the users below you a child of the user you are adding.


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