Agile JQL Functions
Finds issues that are planned for the next sprint. Provide a Jira board name or board ID as an argument.
issue in nextSprint("Development Board")
finds issues scheduled for the next sprint on the "Development Board".
issue in nextSprint(25)
finds issues planned for the next sprint on the board with ID 25.
Finds issues that were part of the previous sprint. Provide a Jira board name or board ID as an argument.
issue in previousSprint("QA Board")
retrieves issues from the previous sprint on the "QA Board".
issue in previousSprint(30)
finds issues from the previous sprint on the board with ID 30.
Identifies issues that were added to a sprint after it began, useful for detecting scope creep.
Provide a Jira board name or board ID as the first argument.
Optionally, provide a sprint name or sprint ID as the second argument. By default, it uses the active sprint in the search.
issue in addedToSprintAfterStart("Backend Team Board")
finds issues added after the current sprint on the "Backend Team Board" started.
issue in addedToSprintAfterStart("Backend Team Board", "Sprint 12")
finds issues added after "Sprint 12" started.
issue in addedToSprintAfterStart(15, 42)
uses board ID 15 and sprint ID 42 to find issues added after sprint 42 started on board 15.