User Guide

User Guide


Jira Spreadsheet brings the power of spreadsheets to Jira. You can edit spreadsheets directly on the issue and configure edit/view permissions based on users, groups and roles in Jira.


Spreadsheet Settings Page

This page allows you to control view and edit permissions globally in all projects. When no permission configuration is made from Spreadsheet Project Settings page specifically for the project, the permissions that were set from "Spreadsheet Settings" applies. To open "Spreadsheet Settings", go to Jira Settings → Apps → Spreadsheet Settings.


Spreadsheet Project Settings Page

This page allows you to control view and edit permissions specific for the project. When a configuration is made from this page and "Overwrite" button is clicked, global settings that were arranged from "Spreadsheet Settings" page are no longer applied to the project. To open "Spreadsheet Project Settings" page, open your project and go to Spreadsheet Project Settings under Apps.




Spreadsheet is located on the issue view. Users with edit permission can write on the spreadsheet and can save the document. Users with only view permission can only see the spreadsheet. Users with no permission cannot see or edit the spreadsheets. 


It is possible to import an existing spreadsheet using "Upload data" button on the top right corner. After editing and saving, the latest version of the spreadsheet can be exported from "Download data" button on the top right corner.