How to create Multi Context Select Fields?
You can create your custom field from “Issues >> Custom Fields”.
To configure your field, first click “Contexts and default value”.
Then, click on “Edit custom field config” on Default Configuration Scheme of your field. You can only configure your field from Default Configuration Scheme.
All new fields have a Global Context, which will be valid for any issue types or projects without specific option configuration.
You can edit contexts by clicking the “Edit” button. You need to provide a name for your context.
To add an option you use “Add new option” button (1). You can also disable options later, if you would like to keep them but you do not want your users to see it (2). Use drag and drop icon to sort your options (3). You can also provide a default value, which will be displayed on the issues as value when the field does not have a value.
To configure your field for different projects or issue types, click on “Add new context”. You need to specify the project and the applicable issue types for which the option configuration will be applied. The difference of those fields than regular Jira select fields is that they allow you to configure different options for different issue types under the same project.