Custom Dashboard & Gadgets

Custom Dashboard & Gadgets


First of all, you need to configure the source of data. The source can be one of the available filters, projects or dynamic source gadgets. Select Project, Filter or Dynamic Source. If you select Project/Filter option, you need to select the projects/filters from the combo select list. Otherwise, you need to select from the ids of the available dynamic source gadgets in the dashboard. If you select a Dynamic Source, the data displayed in the main gadget will be determined by the source and filters of the Dynamic Source gadget.

Chart Type

You can select one of the chart types from 7 groups of charts:

  • Line Charts

  • Pie Charts

  • Bar Charts

  • Table

  • Area Charts

  • Radar/Radial Charts

  • Other Charts


Chart Options

Chart by - Group by

When you're configuring a chart, the first thing you need to do is to choose the chart type. If you've selected a one dimensional chart, you'll need to select a single field as your "Chart by" option. This field will be used to populate the x-axis of your chart, and the values of this field will determine the x-axis categories. On the other hand, if you've chosen a two dimensional chart, you'll need to select two fields - one for the "Chart by" option and another for the "Group by" option. The values of the "Chart by" field will still be displayed on the x-axis, but the values of the "Group by" field will be displayed on the y-axis, creating a two-dimensional representation of your data. Essentially, the "Chart by" option represents the main dimension of your chart, while the "Group by" option adds a secondary dimension that allows you to group your data and gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between different data points.

You can also configure whether categories with zero value will be displayed using “Show Zero Counts” toggle under “Chart by” and “Group by” tabs.



The "Calculate" option gives you the ability to aggregate your data in different ways. There are three calculate choices: "Sum", "Average", and "Count". The "Sum" option calculates the sum of a chosen field for each category in the chart. For example, if you have a field for "Sales" and choose "Sum", the system will add up all the sales values for each category in the chart and display the total on the y-axis.

The "Average" option calculates the average of a chosen field for each category in the chart. This can be useful for finding the average value for a specific category and comparing it to other categories.

Finally, the "Count" option gives you the ability to count the number of projects or issues that fall into each category. You have two sub-options to choose from: "Projects" and "Issues". The "Projects" option will count the number of projects that fit into each category, while the "Issues" option will count the number of issues.

There are also other options in the “Calculate” tab:

  • By default a summary table is displayed next to the chart. You can hide it using the “Hide Result Table” option in the “Calculate” tab.

  • Chart title is displayed on top of the chart. You can set it from “Calculate” tab. If you leave it empty, the default title will be “Chart by” field for a one dimensional chart and “Chart by” x “Group by” for a two dimensional chart.

  • You can eliminate the “None” category by using the “Show none values” toggle. “None” category represents the


Ordering options allow you to order the categories on both axes. Small → Big / Big → Small will order the categories according to the values corresponding to the categories. A → Z / Z → A will order them alphabetically. Custom order will keep the order you have created under Labels panel by dragging and dropping labels. In addition to those ordering choices, when “Chart by” is a date field, you can order date categories chronologically.

Customizing Labels

You can customize the label names and their colors on the charts. To change the color of the label, click the color square and pick the color. Then click Apply button.

If you want to change the label name, click the pen symbol which is placed at the end of the label. Type the new name and click the thick button.


If you would like to return to default options, you can reverse it by clicking Reset buttons below.

Next and Prev buttons are used for navigation between Chart By Group by and Calculate options.

Save or Cancel configuration

To save your configurations, click to the save Button. Once you clicked, the app will quit the editing mode and reopened in your dashboard.

You can now enjoy your insights


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