

Text JQL Functions


Matches issues that contain the exact text in the summary, description, or environment fields. This function is case-sensitive and looks for an exact match of the provided text.


  • issue in exactTextMatch("Database Connection Error") finds issues where the specified fields contain exactly "Database Connection Error".


Similar to exactTextMatch, but performs a case-insensitive search.


  • issue in exactTextMatchCaseInsensitive("login failure") matches issues containing “Login Failure”, “LOGIN FAILURE”, “login failure”, etc., in the specified fields.


Matches issues where a specified field contains text that fits a pattern using wildcards. The search is case-sensitive, and the asterisk * represents any sequence of characters.


  • issue in wildcardMatch("summary", "Error*") finds issues whose summaries start with “Error”.

  • issue in wildcardMatch("fixVersion", "*2.5") finds issues with fix versions ending with “2.5”.

  • issue in wildcardMatch("labels", "*critical*") finds issues with labels that include “critical”.

  • issue in wildcardMatch("component", "Auth*") finds issues with components starting with “Auth”.

  • issue in wildcardMatch("category", "*Frontend*") finds issues with categories containing “Frontend”.

You can place the asterisk * anywhere in the text and use it multiple times within the pattern for flexible matching.


Uses regular expressions to match field values, allowing for complex pattern searches. This function is case-sensitive and follows JavaScript regex syntax.


  • issue in regex("summary", "^Task\\s\\d{3}$") matches issues whose summaries are "Task" followed by exactly three digits (e.g., "Task 123").

  • issue in regex("fixVersion", "v\\d+\\.\\d+") matches fix versions like "v1.0", "v2.5", "v10.12", etc.

  • issue in regex("labels", "urgent$") finds issues with labels ending with "urgent".

  • issue in regex("component", "Service(-\\w+)?") matches components like "Service", "Service-API", "Service-DB", etc.

  • issue in regex("category", ".*Integration.*") finds issues with categories that include "Integration".

  • issue in regex("Acceptance Criteria", "must\\scomply\\swith\\sRFC\\s\\d{4}") matches issues where the acceptance criteria mention compliance with an RFC followed by four digits (e.g., "must comply with RFC 1234").

  • issue in regex("Custom Field", "Option\\s[XY]") matches issues where the custom field has options like "Option X" or "Option Y".